Travelling with Tinnitus: Tips for Managing Symptoms and Enjoying Your Trip

Author thumbnail Stephanie Hedicker  |  Published 01 August 2023  | Updated 16 May 2024  | 5 mins read

Family at the airport with luggage.

For those who live with tinnitus, getting on with daily life can be a struggle, especially if the condition isn’t managed. So, when you put travelling into the mix, especially foreign travel, it can seem like an impossible feat. However, it is often the apprehension around travelling with tinnitus that can exacerbate the symptoms more than the actual travel. 

We’re here to give you all the tips and tricks for managing your tinnitus whilst on your travels so you enjoy your trip to the fullest! 

Tinnitus and flying

It is often believed that flying can trigger tinnitus symptoms and potentially worsen existing ones. However, that is not strictly the case. Very few people report their tinnitus gets worse from air travel. It’s more likely that situational factors in and around the airport could trigger it – but because everyone’s tinnitus triggers are different, what may affect one person might not another. 

A man on sat on the aisle seat of a plane.

What we do know, however, is that stress is linked to tinnitus, and we all know how stressful airports can be sometimes. To help reduce this, make sure to arrive at the airport with ample time to get through check-in and security. If you can, book an earlier flight to avoid the larger crowds.

A lot of people will purchase ear plugs to wear on the plane, either to help them get a bit of shut-eye or to block out noise, however, if your tinnitus isn’t triggered by loud noises, then wearing ear plugs while on a plane could actually make you more aware of your symptoms rather than preventing them. This is because they block out a lot of external sounds, which can make you more aware of your tinnitus, leading to the opposite of the intended effect.

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Our top tips for managing symptoms of tinnitus while travelling

Now that you know a few ways to help manage your tinnitus as you jet off, what about when you get to your destination? Let us take a look at a few more useful tips for travelling with tinnitus.

A woman packing a suitcase with clothes.

1. Plan ahead

As we mentioned earlier, stress can often worsen the symptoms of tinnitus, and while the idea of relaxing by the beach is certainly appealing, holidays and travel are never completely stress-free. So the best thing you can do is plan ahead!  Make sure everything is in check before you set off: passports, accommodation, packing lists, and the like. This will lighten the burden so you can focus on the important things, like getting to the pool!

A woman having a massage.

2. Prioritise some R&R

Tiredness and lack of sleep can be tinnitus triggers for many sufferers, which is why it’s essential for you to prioritise some rest and recuperation while on your travels. Whether that’s breaking a long journey into smaller stints or allowing yourself some days dedicated to relaxation.

Times Square, New York, full of tourists at night.

3. Avoid noisy places

If your tinnitus is triggered by noise, then planning your excursions accordingly will be a massive help! Avoid heading to tourist hotspots at peak times, whether that’s heading out slightly earlier in the day or picking a less busy day of the week. If you can’t avoid noisy places, then you could benefit from investing in some custom-ear plugs that will reduce your level of noise exposure.

Tinnitus and swimming

Heading to the pool? While there is no direct link between tinnitus and swimming, tinnitus is a common symptom of swimmer’s ear. So if you are experiencing tinnitus for the first time after taking a dip, then it may be swimmer’s ear! 

If you get water in your ear, check out our safety methods that can help you remove the water from your ears.

Tinnitus management with The Hearing Care Partnership

Want some FREE, tailored advice to help manage your tinnitus? 

Here at The Hearing Care Partnership, our audiologists are ready to help you take the first steps in better managing your condition with our tinnitus consultation. As part of your appointment, you’ll receive a full hearing assessment to help us determine whether a hearing loss may be causing your symptoms. As well as that, our experts will take a detailed look into your medical history and investigate things such as ear wax build-up to determine whether there are any other factors which could be the cause. 

Following this, your audiologist will give you personalised advice to help you manage the condition.

If you would like to book a tinnitus consultation, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Call us on 0800 52 00 546 or book an appointment online.