How ear plugs for sleep can help?
Ear plugs really do help to improve our quality of sleep by significantly reducing the level of disruptive noises from the surrounding environment.
Ear plugs sit snugly within the ear canal and act as a barrier to sound, absorbing and reducing the sound that reaches our ears. In fact, depending on the type of ear plug (more on that later), they can reduce up to 25-27dB of ambient noise. That’s enough to make even the loudest of snorers more bearable at night!*
And because ear plugs minimise nighttime noises, it means our bodies can reach the necessary sleep stages which are essential for physical and mental rejuvenation.
* Please note: No ear plugs or hearing protection can remove all sounds. This is due to the fact that we also hear through our mastoid bone and when sound is loud enough it bypasses the ear canal and is audible through our skull.